Internet Surfer 2.0
Internet Surfer 2.0 (Wayzata Technology) (1996).iso
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Text File
1,147 lines
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.465
esp telepathy
est is (Fr.)
et Egypt
et alien
et and (Fr.)
et exotic
et extraterrestrial
et film
eta Greek letter
eta estimated time of arrival
eta illegal army
eta terrorists
eton college
eton educational establishment
eton school
etty artist
eur continent
eve first lady
eve first mate
eve lady
eve woman
ew bridge partners
ew partnership
ex former
ex from
ex late
ex one time
exe river
eye I
eye I say
eye seer
eyot island
ezra pound
f Fahrenheit
f France
f Friday
f clef
f farad
f farthing
f fathom
f fellow
f female
f feminine
f filly
f fine
f fluorine
f folio
f following
f foot
f force
f forte
f forty
f frequency
f gas - fluorine
f hole
f key +
f loud
f noisy
f note +
f strong
f vitamin
f woman
fa football
fa note
fah note
fal river
fare China area (Far East)
fast firm
fe iron
fed American detective
ff folios
ff followings
ff fortissimo
ff very loud
ff very loud
ff very strong
ff very strong
fig small illustration
fir tree
firm business
firm company
fist duke
fl flourished
fla Florida
flower bloomer
flu illness
fo Foreign Office
fo folio
fob free on board
foc free of charge
fol folio
fool dessert
foot infantry
for free on rail
force police
fore warning
four rowing boat
fr French
fr father
fr fragment
fr franc
fr frequently
ft feet
ft foot
ft measure
fz forced
g Gauss
g George
g Germany
g agent
g clef
g four hundred
g gamma
g gamut
g gee
g girl
g gram(me)
g grand (Amer.)
g gravity
g guinea
g gulf
g key +
g man
g midnight
g note +
g strings (violin)
g suit
g thousand
g thousand
g violin string
g weight
g-man American detective
ga Georgia
gab gift
gad tribe
gael Gaelic
gal girl
gar fish
gat gun
gate old goat
gb Great Britain
gb our islands
gee horse
gee little horse
geiger counter
gel jelly
gen Genesis
gen general
gen information
gen low down
gent fellow
george pilot
gg Gee-gee
gg horse
gg little horse
gi American soldier
gi doughboy
gi fighter
gi government issue
gi private
gi serving man
gi soldier
gladiator old fighter
glc capital authority
gm counter
go bargain
go energy
go in good condition
go ready
go success
go traffic signal
go work
gotham New York
gp doctor
gr Greece
gr Greek
gr King George
gr grain
gr grammar
gr gramme
gr grouse
gr king
gr small weight
gr weight
grant general
grass informer
grist miller's corn
grs gunmen
gs general service
gs general staff
gt fast car
gt sports car
gu guinea
gu old fiddle
gue old fiddle
h Dirac's constant
h Hungary
h Planck's constant
h bomb
h gas - hydrogen
h hand
h hard
h heart
h height
h henry
h horse
h hospital
h hot
h hour
h house
h husband
h hydrant
h hydrogen
h tap
h two hundred
h two hundred thousand
h vitamin
ha half ditch
ha laugh
ha this year
haha ditch
haha laugh
hair net lock keeper
ham (poor) actor
han Chinese dynasty
hand worker
has bears
haw hedge
he (high) explosive
he His Excellency
he ambassador
he excellency
he gas - helium
he governor
he helium
he legate
he male
he our man
he the man
head point
hearth hard ground
hebe goddess
hehe laugh
hen female
hen layer
her female
her the woman's
her woman
hf half
hg Dad's army
hg mercury
hh very hard
hi greeting
hi hello
hic here in Rome
hic this (Lat.)
him male
hm Her Majesty
hm His Majesty
hm king
hm queen
ho house
hobo tramp
hock prison
hol short break
hp hire purchase
hp never-never
hr hour
hs here is
ht high tension
hun German
hun barbarian
i Italy
i a
i an/ane
i ay
i aye
i che
i electrical current
i eye
i first person
i imaginary number
i iodine
i iota
i island
i line
i lunchtime
i number one
i one
i one
i single
i square root of -1
i straight line
i un
i unit
i upright
i yours truly
ia Iowa
iam I am
iam admitting
iam afternoon
iam boasting
iam early morning
iam self-confessed
ian Scot/Scotsman
ians one answer
ib in the same place
ib same place
ibid in the same place
ic I see
ic hundred
ic in charge
ic ninety nine
ice diamond(s)
ice hard water
iceni old people
id I had
id I would
id fish
id genius
id identification
id instinct
id same
id that (Lat.)
ida princess
ide fish
idem said
ie that is (that's)
if condition
if provided/providing
ign gin cocktail/sling
ii eleven
ii eyes
ii two
il Israel
il articles - Italian
il one pound
il the (Ital.)
ilb one pound
ill I shall/will
ill Illinois
ill badly
ill unwell
im I am
im admitting
im boasting
im self-confessed
imp little devil
imp mischevious child
imp one member
impi soldiers
in at home
in batting
in elected
in fashionable
in favoured
in in fashion
in not out
in playing
in trendy
in wearing
ina princess
inch island
ind India
ine oriental
ing gin cocktail/sling
inn local
insect six-footer
intens decimally
io cry of triumph
io joyful cry
io maiden
io ten
io triumphant cry
ioc dime (Amer.)
iom Isle of Man
iom island
iom man
ion number one returning
iota Greek letter
ious credit notes
ious promises to pay
ip trivial sum
ir Iran
ira illegal army
ira terrorists
ire anger
ire rage
irl Ireland
is Iceland
is ayes
is ays
is eyes
is island
is one's
isis goddess
isis river
isle man
ism doctrine
ism theory
iss exists
ist first
it Italian
it sex appeal
it the thing
iv four
iv ivy
iv tea-time
ive I have
ix nine
j Jack
j Japan
j heat
j jay
j joule
j judge
j justice
j knave
j one
j pen
j square root of -1
ja Jamaica
ja agreement - foreign (Ger.)
ja yes (Ger.)
jack sailor/salt/seaman
je I, being French
je In Paris, I
jo little woman
jo sweetheart
job bookmaker
jock Scot/Scotsman
joe American soldier
jolly Marine
jug prison
k Kay
k Khmer Republic
k Kirkpatrick
k Koechel
k Mozart's works
k Scarlatti's works
k constant
k kappa
k kelvin
k kilo
k king
k knight
k monarch
k potassium
k thousand
k twenty
k twenty thousand
k two hundred and fifty
k vitamin
ka double *
ka genius *
ka individuality
key opener
kg cagey
kine cattle
kine neat
kine ox
kish graphite
kl kale
km kilometre
kn cayenne
knee bender
ko decisive blow
ko kick off
ko knock out
ko stunner
kr krypton
kt knight
kv cave (beware)
kv cavy
ky Kentucky
l Labour
l Liberal
l Luxembourg
l angle
l apprentice
l corner
l el
l elevated railway
l ell
l fifty
l fifty thousand
l half century
l hand
l inductance
l inexperienced driver
l la(m)bda
l lake
l lambert
l latin
l latitude
l league
l learner
l learning
l left
l length
l licentiate
l line
l lira/lire
l litre
l long
l lumen
l luminance
l many +
l money
l new driver
l novice
l number plate
l one pound
l overhead railway
l port
l pound
l pupil
l railway
l side
l sovereign
l student
l trainee
l tyro
l vitamin
la Los Angeles
la Louisiana
la articles - French
la articles - Italian
la articles - Spanish
la look *
la note
la the (Fr.)
la the (Ital.)
la the (Span.)
lab Labour
lab laboratory
lab party
lab politician
lab science centre
lac aircraftsman
lac hundred thousand
lah note
lakh hundred thousand
lam beat
lam pound
lambda Greek letter
lamed Hebrew letter
lar Libya
laud archbishop
lay song
lb one pound
lb pound
le articles - French
le the (Fr.)
lear king
lee general
leg limb
leg member
leg on
leg support
lei flowers
lei wreath *
lely artist
les articles - French
les the French
let allow(ed)
let hindrance
let permit(ted)
let service
let with a tenant
lewis gun
lh left hand
li fifty one
lib Liberal
lib book
lib party
lib politician
limn old paint
line shipping company
ling fish
ling swimmer
lips mouthpiece
lips speakers
lit drunk
lit loaded
lit settled
ll ells
ll els
ll fifty pounds
ll fifty-fifty
lner old railway
lo look
lo see
loch lake
log maths function
log record
los articles - Spanish
loser fabulous hare
lot large amount
loti first item in sale
lower cow
lowing neat sound
lp long playing
lp record
ls ells
ls els
lso orchestra
lt Lieutenant
lt officer
lud old king
lum chimney (Scot.)
lv meal ticket
m Bond's boss
m French man
m Malta
m Monday
m em
m lot
m maiden
m maiden over
m male
m man
m many +
m mare
m mark
m married
m masculine
m mass
m master
m measure
m member
m meso-
m meta-
m meter (metre)
m midday
m mile
m modulus
m monsieur
m month
m moon
m motorway
m mu
m noon
m roof
m small square
m spymaster
m thousand
m vitamin
ma Master of Arts
ma academic
ma degree
ma educated man
ma graduate
ma master
ma mother
ma old woman
ma scholar
mab fairy queen
mab queen
mac Scot/Scotsman
main deep
main sea
mal bad French
mam mother
man Friday
man fellow
man fighter
man hand
man husband
man island
man piece (chess)
man soldier
man worker
manifesto show-ring
mass Massachusetts
mass service
maxim gun
may can
mayo tree ring
mb doctor
mc master of ceremonies
mc medal
md doctor
md one thousand five hundred
me first person
me note
me number one
men people
men soldiers
ment intended
ment meant
ment on purpose
ment understood
mer sea (Fr.)
met New York opera
met police
mg magnesium
mi main road
mi motorway
mi note
mig aeroplane
mill economist
min half minute
min thirty seconds
ming Chinese dynasty
ming china
mini car
miss Mississippi
mm French men
mm ems
mm medal
mn Merchant Navy
mo Missouri
mo doctor
mo half minute
mo month
mo second
mo short time
mo time
mo way of working
mog cat
mon Monday
mon Scot/Scotsman
moo low
moo neat sound
mos months
moses lawgiver
mot car test
mot test
moth fly-by-night
mp fairly quiet
mp member
mp member of parliament
mp military police
mp mounted police
mp mountie(s)
mp policeman
mp politician
mp representative
mph rate
mph speed
mps chemist
mr mister
ms ems
ms handwriting
ms manuscript
ms paper
ms text
ms writing
mss manuscripts
mss papers
mt hill
mt mountain
mtb torpedo boat
mu Greek character
mu Greek letter
mum mother
mum quiet
mum silence
mur wall (Fr.)
mutt dog
my gracious me
n Avogadro's number
n Norway
n born
n bridge players
n direction
n en
n gas - nitrogen
n half an em
n indefinite number
n knight
n midday
n name
n neper
n neuter
n new
n newton
n ninety
n ninety thousand
n nitrogen
n noon
n north(ern)
n note
n noun
n nu
n number
n point
n pole +
n quarter
n unfavourable aspect
n unknown number
n unlimited number
na North America
na no (Scot.)
na not (Scot.)
na sodium
nae no (Scot.)
nae not (Scot.)
nag horse
nag little horse
nat born
nation people
nation race
national horse race
nb nota bene
nb note
nco non-commissioned officer
nco sergeant
nd North Dakota
nd no date
ne Durham area
ne Humberside
ne Tyneside
ne born
ne bridge opponents
ne gas - neon
ne neon
ne north-east
ne not (old word)
ne quarter
neat cattle
neat ox
ned donkey
ned little horse
nee born
nemo submariner
ness head
ness loch
ness point
net capture
net fabric
ney Marshal
ng no good
ni Northern Ireland
ni Ulster
ni nickel
nib writer
nick prison
nie close (old word)
nie near (old word)
nil love
nil nothing
nitre chemical
nitre fertiliser
nj New Jersey
nl not clear
nl not far
nl not permitted
nn ens
no New Orleans
no indefinite number
no not out
no number
no play (Jap.)
no refusal
noh play (Jap.)
noi leading
noi no one
noi number one
non no (Fr.)
nose informer
np North Pole
np pole
ns bridge partners
ns ens
ns not specific
ns partnership
nt Holy Writ
nt New Testament
nt Northern Territories
nt book(s)
nt books
nt good book
nt part of Bible
nt preservationists
nt scriptures
nu Greek character
nu Greek letter
nu name unknown
nu unidentified
num miners
number anaesthetic
nun bluetit
nurse shark
nus dawn
nus students' (union)
nut teachers
nv envy
nw Merseyside
nw bridge opponents
nw north-west
nw quarter
ny Gotham
ny New York
o Ohio
o around
o aught
o bald patch
o ball
o blob
o blood group
o cavity
o cipher
o circle
o circuit
o circular letter
o dial
o disc
o duck
o egg
o eleven
o eleven thousand
o empty
o examination
o full moon
o gas - oxygen
o globe
o gulf
o hole
o hollow
o hoop
o loop
o love
o naught
o nil
o no
o nothing
o nought
o oh
o omicron
o opening
o orb
o ortho-
o ought
o owe
o oxygen
o pellet
o ring
o round
o spangle
oaks horse race
oates conspirator
ob old boy
obe award
obe honour
obe order
obit dead/died
obit final message
obit last word
oc commander
oc officer commanding
odo bishop
oe old English
oe old Etonian
offa old king
og ogee
og own goal
og soccer blunder
oic officer in charge
ok acceptable
ok all right
ok approval
ok authorisation
ok correct
ok fine
ok okay
old man captain
ole cry of delight
om award
om honour
om order
omega Greek letter
omega final letter
omega final word
omega last letter
omitting skipping
on about
on acting
on being broadcast
on leg
on on the menu
on operating
on performing
on playing
one lunchtime
one undivided
oo duck's eggs
oo ohs
oo owes
oo spectacles
oom Dutch uncle
op operation
op opposite
op opus
op out of print
op work
optic seer
opus work
or alternative
or alternatively
or before *
or gold
or yellow
oral examination
oral test
ord no way
ord ring road
orion hunter
orpheus classical musician
os Ordinary Seaman
os big
os large letters
os ohs
os old style
os outsize
os owes
os sailor
os very large
ost east (Ger.)
ot Holy Writ
ot Old Testament
ot book(s)
ot good book
ot occupational therapy
ot part of Bible
ot scriptures
ou Open University
oui agreement - foreign (Fr.)
oui yes (Fr.)
ouija Franco-German agreement
ous nothing to America
ouse river
out away
out not at home
out unfashionable
over maiden
ox bull
ox neat
oxonian dark blue
oy oh, why
oz ounce
oz small weight
oz weight
oz wizard place
p Celt
p Kelt
p Portugal
p copper
p four hundred
p four hundred thousand
p page
p park(ing)
p participle
p pawn
p pea
p pedal
p pee
p peg
p penny
p phosphorous
p pi
p piano
p pint
p poise
p power
p president
p prince
p quiet
p small change
p soft
p softly
p vitamin
pa Panama
pa father
pa old man
pan god
par standard
para Brazilian
para airborne soldier
parent source
pas dance
pas step
pate head
pawn piece (chess)
pawnbroker uncle
pb lead
pc copper
pc policeman
pe Peru
pe gym
pe physical education
pe training
peg tee
pen author
pen enclosure
pen prison
pen writer
per by
per for each
per through
pet cherished
pet favourite
pg paying guest
ph local
phi Greek letter
pi Greek character
pi Greek letter
pi confusion *
pi good
pi religious
pi upright
pier mole
pit Hell
pitt old Prime Minister
pl Poland
pla mountain retreat
pla port authority
plato philosopher
plo illegal army
plo terrorists
plot garden
pm Prime Minister
pm afternoon
pm half day
pm in the afternoon
po Italian flower
po Post Office
po airman
po palladium
po pole
po river
polo Merchant of Venice
poly college
pony twenty five pounds
pony twenty-five pounds
pop father
pop old man
port left
port wine
pp pages
pp peas
pp pees