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  1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.465
  4. esp             telepathy
  5. est             is (Fr.)
  6. et              Egypt
  7. et              alien
  8. et              and (Fr.)
  9. et              exotic
  10. et              extraterrestrial
  11. et              film
  12. eta             Greek letter
  13. eta             estimated time of arrival
  14. eta             illegal army
  15. eta             terrorists
  16. eton            college
  17. eton            educational establishment
  18. eton            school
  19. etty            artist
  20. eur             continent
  21. eve             first lady
  22. eve             first mate
  23. eve             lady
  24. eve             woman
  25. ew              bridge partners
  26. ew              partnership
  27. ex              former
  28. ex              from
  29. ex              late
  30. ex              one time
  31. exe             river
  32. eye             I
  33. eye             I say
  34. eye             seer
  35. eyot            island
  36. ezra            pound
  37. f               Fahrenheit
  38. f               France
  39. f               Friday
  40. f               clef
  41. f               farad
  42. f               farthing
  43. f               fathom
  44. f               fellow
  45. f               female
  46. f               feminine
  47. f               filly
  48. f               fine
  49. f               fluorine
  50. f               folio
  51. f               following
  52. f               foot
  53. f               force
  54. f               forte
  55. f               forty
  56. f               frequency
  57. f               gas - fluorine
  58. f               hole
  59. f               key +
  60. f               loud
  61. f               noisy
  62. f               note +
  63. f               strong
  64. f               vitamin
  65. f               woman
  66. fa              football
  67. fa              note
  68. fah             note
  69. fal             river
  70. fare            China area (Far East)
  71. fast            firm
  72. fe              iron
  73. fed             American detective
  74. ff              folios
  75. ff              followings
  76. ff              fortissimo
  77. ff              very loud
  78. ff              very loud
  79. ff              very strong
  80. ff              very strong
  81. fig             small illustration
  82. fir             tree
  83. firm            business
  84. firm            company
  85. fist            duke
  86. fl              flourished
  87. fla             Florida
  88. flower          bloomer
  89. flu             illness
  90. fo              Foreign Office
  91. fo              folio
  92. fob             free on board
  93. foc             free of charge
  94. fol             folio
  95. fool            dessert
  96. foot            infantry
  97. for             free on rail
  98. force           police
  99. fore            warning
  100. four            rowing boat
  101. fr              French
  102. fr              father
  103. fr              fragment
  104. fr              franc
  105. fr              frequently
  106. ft              feet
  107. ft              foot
  108. ft              measure
  109. fz              forced
  110. g               Gauss
  111. g               George
  112. g               Germany
  113. g               agent
  114. g               clef
  115. g               four hundred
  116. g               gamma
  117. g               gamut
  118. g               gee
  119. g               girl
  120. g               gram(me)
  121. g               grand (Amer.)
  122. g               gravity
  123. g               guinea
  124. g               gulf
  125. g               key +
  126. g               man
  127. g               midnight
  128. g               note +
  129. g               strings (violin)
  130. g               suit
  131. g               thousand
  132. g               thousand
  133. g               violin string
  134. g               weight
  135. g-man           American detective
  136. ga              Georgia
  137. gab             gift
  138. gad             tribe
  139. gael            Gaelic
  140. gal             girl
  141. gar             fish
  142. gat             gun
  143. gate            old goat
  144. gb              Great Britain
  145. gb              our islands
  146. gee             horse
  147. gee             little horse
  148. geiger          counter
  149. gel             jelly
  150. gen             Genesis
  151. gen             general
  152. gen             information
  153. gen             low down
  154. gent            fellow
  155. george          pilot
  156. gg              Gee-gee
  157. gg              horse
  158. gg              little horse
  159. gi              American soldier
  160. gi              doughboy
  161. gi              fighter
  162. gi              government issue
  163. gi              private
  164. gi              serving man
  165. gi              soldier
  166. gladiator       old fighter
  167. glc             capital authority
  168. gm              counter
  169. go              bargain
  170. go              energy
  171. go              in good condition
  172. go              ready
  173. go              success
  174. go              traffic signal
  175. go              work
  176. gotham          New York
  177. gp              doctor
  178. gr              Greece
  179. gr              Greek
  180. gr              King George
  181. gr              grain
  182. gr              grammar
  183. gr              gramme
  184. gr              grouse
  185. gr              king
  186. gr              small weight
  187. gr              weight
  188. grant           general
  189. grass           informer
  190. grist           miller's corn
  191. grs             gunmen
  192. gs              general service
  193. gs              general staff
  194. gt              fast car
  195. gt              sports car
  196. gu              guinea
  197. gu              old fiddle
  198. gue             old fiddle
  199. h               Dirac's constant
  200. h               Hungary
  201. h               Planck's constant
  202. h               bomb
  203. h               gas - hydrogen
  204. h               hand
  205. h               hard
  206. h               heart
  207. h               height
  208. h               henry
  209. h               horse
  210. h               hospital
  211. h               hot
  212. h               hour
  213. h               house
  214. h               husband
  215. h               hydrant
  216. h               hydrogen
  217. h               tap
  218. h               two hundred
  219. h               two hundred thousand
  220. h               vitamin
  221. ha              half ditch
  222. ha              laugh
  223. ha              this year
  224. haha            ditch
  225. haha            laugh
  226. hair net        lock keeper
  227. ham             (poor) actor
  228. han             Chinese dynasty
  229. hand            worker
  230. has             bears
  231. haw             hedge
  232. he              (high) explosive
  233. he              His Excellency
  234. he              ambassador
  235. he              excellency
  236. he              gas - helium
  237. he              governor
  238. he              helium
  239. he              legate
  240. he              male
  241. he              our man
  242. he              the man
  243. head            point
  244. hearth          hard ground
  245. hebe            goddess
  246. hehe            laugh
  247. hen             female
  248. hen             layer
  249. her             female
  250. her             the woman's
  251. her             woman
  252. hf              half
  253. hg              Dad's army
  254. hg              mercury
  255. hh              very hard
  256. hi              greeting
  257. hi              hello
  258. hic             here in Rome
  259. hic             this (Lat.)
  260. him             male
  261. hm              Her Majesty
  262. hm              His Majesty
  263. hm              king
  264. hm              queen
  265. ho              house
  266. hobo            tramp
  267. hock            prison
  268. hol             short break
  269. hp              hire purchase
  270. hp              never-never
  271. hr              hour
  272. hs              here is
  273. ht              high tension
  274. hun             German
  275. hun             barbarian
  276. i               Italy
  277. i               a
  278. i               an/ane
  279. i               ay
  280. i               aye
  281. i               che
  282. i               electrical current
  283. i               eye
  284. i               first person
  285. i               imaginary number
  286. i               iodine
  287. i               iota
  288. i               island
  289. i               line
  290. i               lunchtime
  291. i               number one
  292. i               one
  293. i               one
  294. i               single
  295. i               square root of -1
  296. i               straight line
  297. i               un
  298. i               unit
  299. i               upright
  300. i               yours truly
  301. ia              Iowa
  302. iam             I am
  303. iam             admitting
  304. iam             afternoon
  305. iam             boasting
  306. iam             early morning
  307. iam             self-confessed
  308. ian             Scot/Scotsman
  309. ians            one answer
  310. ib              in the same place
  311. ib              same place
  312. ibid            in the same place
  313. ic              I see
  314. ic              hundred
  315. ic              in charge
  316. ic              ninety nine
  317. ice             diamond(s)
  318. ice             hard water
  319. iceni           old people
  320. id              I had
  321. id              I would
  322. id              fish
  323. id              genius
  324. id              identification
  325. id              instinct
  326. id              same
  327. id              that (Lat.)
  328. ida             princess
  329. ide             fish
  330. idem            said
  331. ie              that is (that's)
  332. if              condition
  333. if              provided/providing
  334. ign             gin cocktail/sling
  335. ii              eleven
  336. ii              eyes
  337. ii              two
  338. il              Israel
  339. il              articles - Italian
  340. il              one pound
  341. il              the (Ital.)
  342. ilb             one pound
  343. ill             I shall/will
  344. ill             Illinois
  345. ill             badly
  346. ill             unwell
  347. im              I am
  348. im              admitting
  349. im              boasting
  350. im              self-confessed
  351. imp             little devil
  352. imp             mischevious child
  353. imp             one member
  354. impi            soldiers
  355. in              at home
  356. in              batting
  357. in              elected
  358. in              fashionable
  359. in              favoured
  360. in              in fashion
  361. in              not out
  362. in              playing
  363. in              trendy
  364. in              wearing
  365. ina             princess
  366. inch            island
  367. ind             India
  368. ine             oriental
  369. ing             gin cocktail/sling
  370. inn             local
  371. insect          six-footer
  372. intens          decimally
  373. io              cry of triumph
  374. io              joyful cry
  375. io              maiden
  376. io              ten
  377. io              triumphant cry
  378. ioc             dime (Amer.)
  379. iom             Isle of Man
  380. iom             island
  381. iom             man
  382. ion             number one returning
  383. iota            Greek letter
  384. ious            credit notes
  385. ious            promises to pay
  386. ip              trivial sum
  387. ir              Iran
  388. ira             illegal army
  389. ira             terrorists
  390. ire             anger
  391. ire             rage
  392. irl             Ireland
  393. is              Iceland
  394. is              ayes
  395. is              ays
  396. is              eyes
  397. is              island
  398. is              one's
  399. isis            goddess
  400. isis            river
  401. isle            man
  402. ism             doctrine
  403. ism             theory
  404. iss             exists
  405. ist             first
  406. it              Italian
  407. it              sex appeal
  408. it              the thing
  409. iv              four
  410. iv              ivy
  411. iv              tea-time
  412. ive             I have
  413. ix              nine
  414. j               Jack
  415. j               Japan
  416. j               heat
  417. j               jay
  418. j               joule
  419. j               judge
  420. j               justice
  421. j               knave
  422. j               one
  423. j               pen
  424. j               square root of -1
  425. ja              Jamaica
  426. ja              agreement - foreign (Ger.)
  427. ja              yes (Ger.)
  428. jack            sailor/salt/seaman
  429. je              I, being French
  430. je              In Paris, I
  431. jo              little woman
  432. jo              sweetheart
  433. job             bookmaker
  434. jock            Scot/Scotsman
  435. joe             American soldier
  436. jolly           Marine
  437. jug             prison
  438. k               Kay
  439. k               Khmer Republic
  440. k               Kirkpatrick
  441. k               Koechel
  442. k               Mozart's works
  443. k               Scarlatti's works
  444. k               constant
  445. k               kappa
  446. k               kelvin
  447. k               kilo
  448. k               king
  449. k               knight
  450. k               monarch
  451. k               potassium
  452. k               thousand
  453. k               twenty
  454. k               twenty thousand
  455. k               two hundred and fifty
  456. k               vitamin
  457. ka              double *
  458. ka              genius *
  459. ka              individuality
  460. key             opener
  461. kg              cagey
  462. kine            cattle
  463. kine            neat
  464. kine            ox
  465. kish            graphite
  466. kl              kale
  467. km              kilometre
  468. kn              cayenne
  469. knee            bender
  470. ko              decisive blow
  471. ko              kick off
  472. ko              knock out
  473. ko              stunner
  474. kr              krypton
  475. kt              knight
  476. kv              cave (beware)
  477. kv              cavy
  478. ky              Kentucky
  479. l               Labour
  480. l               Liberal
  481. l               Luxembourg
  482. l               angle
  483. l               apprentice
  484. l               corner
  485. l               el
  486. l               elevated railway
  487. l               ell
  488. l               fifty
  489. l               fifty thousand
  490. l               half century
  491. l               hand
  492. l               inductance
  493. l               inexperienced driver
  494. l               la(m)bda
  495. l               lake
  496. l               lambert
  497. l               latin
  498. l               latitude
  499. l               league
  500. l               learner
  501. l               learning
  502. l               left
  503. l               length
  504. l               licentiate
  505. l               line
  506. l               lira/lire
  507. l               litre
  508. l               long
  509. l               lumen
  510. l               luminance
  511. l               many +
  512. l               money
  513. l               new driver
  514. l               novice
  515. l               number plate
  516. l               one pound
  517. l               overhead railway
  518. l               port
  519. l               pound
  520. l               pupil
  521. l               railway
  522. l               side
  523. l               sovereign
  524. l               student
  525. l               trainee
  526. l               tyro
  527. l               vitamin
  528. la              Los Angeles
  529. la              Louisiana
  530. la              articles - French
  531. la              articles - Italian
  532. la              articles - Spanish
  533. la              look *
  534. la              note
  535. la              the (Fr.)
  536. la              the (Ital.)
  537. la              the (Span.)
  538. lab             Labour
  539. lab             laboratory
  540. lab             party
  541. lab             politician
  542. lab             science centre
  543. lac             aircraftsman
  544. lac             hundred thousand
  545. lah             note
  546. lakh            hundred thousand
  547. lam             beat
  548. lam             pound
  549. lambda          Greek letter
  550. lamed           Hebrew letter
  551. lar             Libya
  552. laud            archbishop
  553. lay             song
  554. lb              one pound
  555. lb              pound
  556. le              articles - French
  557. le              the (Fr.)
  558. lear            king
  559. lee             general
  560. leg             limb
  561. leg             member
  562. leg             on
  563. leg             support
  564. lei             flowers
  565. lei             wreath *
  566. lely            artist
  567. les             articles - French
  568. les             the French
  569. let             allow(ed)
  570. let             hindrance
  571. let             permit(ted)
  572. let             service
  573. let             with a tenant
  574. lewis           gun
  575. lh              left hand
  576. li              fifty one
  577. lib             Liberal
  578. lib             book
  579. lib             party
  580. lib             politician
  581. limn            old paint
  582. line            shipping company
  583. ling            fish
  584. ling            swimmer
  585. lips            mouthpiece
  586. lips            speakers
  587. lit             drunk
  588. lit             loaded
  589. lit             settled
  590. ll              ells
  591. ll              els
  592. ll              fifty pounds
  593. ll              fifty-fifty
  594. lner            old railway
  595. lo              look
  596. lo              see
  597. loch            lake
  598. log             maths function
  599. log             record
  600. los             articles - Spanish
  601. loser           fabulous hare
  602. lot             large amount
  603. loti            first item in sale
  604. lower           cow
  605. lowing          neat sound
  606. lp              long playing
  607. lp              record
  608. ls              ells
  609. ls              els
  610. lso             orchestra
  611. lt              Lieutenant
  612. lt              officer
  613. lud             old king
  614. lum             chimney (Scot.)
  615. lv              meal ticket
  616. m               Bond's boss
  617. m               French man
  618. m               Malta
  619. m               Monday
  620. m               em
  621. m               lot
  622. m               maiden
  623. m               maiden over
  624. m               male
  625. m               man
  626. m               many +
  627. m               mare
  628. m               mark
  629. m               married
  630. m               masculine
  631. m               mass
  632. m               master
  633. m               measure
  634. m               member
  635. m               meso-
  636. m               meta-
  637. m               meter (metre)
  638. m               midday
  639. m               mile
  640. m               modulus
  641. m               monsieur
  642. m               month
  643. m               moon
  644. m               motorway
  645. m               mu
  646. m               noon
  647. m               roof
  648. m               small square
  649. m               spymaster
  650. m               thousand
  651. m               vitamin
  652. ma              Master of Arts
  653. ma              academic
  654. ma              degree
  655. ma              educated man
  656. ma              graduate
  657. ma              master
  658. ma              mother
  659. ma              old woman
  660. ma              scholar
  661. mab             fairy queen
  662. mab             queen
  663. mac             Scot/Scotsman
  664. main            deep
  665. main            sea
  666. mal             bad French
  667. mam             mother
  668. man             Friday
  669. man             fellow
  670. man             fighter
  671. man             hand
  672. man             husband
  673. man             island
  674. man             piece (chess)
  675. man             soldier
  676. man             worker
  677. manifesto       show-ring
  678. mass            Massachusetts
  679. mass            service
  680. maxim           gun
  681. may             can
  682. mayo            tree ring
  683. mb              doctor
  684. mc              master of ceremonies
  685. mc              medal
  686. md              doctor
  687. md              one thousand five hundred
  688. me              first person
  689. me              note
  690. me              number one
  691. men             people
  692. men             soldiers
  693. ment            intended
  694. ment            meant
  695. ment            on purpose
  696. ment            understood
  697. mer             sea (Fr.)
  698. met             New York opera
  699. met             police
  700. mg              magnesium
  701. mi              main road
  702. mi              motorway
  703. mi              note
  704. mig             aeroplane
  705. mill            economist
  706. min             half minute
  707. min             thirty seconds
  708. ming            Chinese dynasty
  709. ming            china
  710. mini            car
  711. miss            Mississippi
  712. mm              French men
  713. mm              ems
  714. mm              medal
  715. mn              Merchant Navy
  716. mo              Missouri
  717. mo              doctor
  718. mo              half minute
  719. mo              month
  720. mo              second
  721. mo              short time
  722. mo              time
  723. mo              way of working
  724. mog             cat
  725. mon             Monday
  726. mon             Scot/Scotsman
  727. moo             low
  728. moo             neat sound
  729. mos             months
  730. moses           lawgiver
  731. mot             car test
  732. mot             test
  733. moth            fly-by-night
  734. mp              fairly quiet
  735. mp              member
  736. mp              member of parliament
  737. mp              military police
  738. mp              mounted police
  739. mp              mountie(s)
  740. mp              policeman
  741. mp              politician
  742. mp              representative
  743. mph             rate
  744. mph             speed
  745. mps             chemist
  746. mr              mister
  747. ms              ems
  748. ms              handwriting
  749. ms              manuscript
  750. ms              paper
  751. ms              text
  752. ms              writing
  753. mss             manuscripts
  754. mss             papers
  755. mt              hill
  756. mt              mountain
  757. mtb             torpedo boat
  758. mu              Greek character
  759. mu              Greek letter
  760. mum             mother
  761. mum             quiet
  762. mum             silence
  763. mur             wall (Fr.)
  764. mutt            dog
  765. my              gracious me
  766. n               Avogadro's number
  767. n               Norway
  768. n               born
  769. n               bridge players
  770. n               direction
  771. n               en
  772. n               gas - nitrogen
  773. n               half an em
  774. n               indefinite number
  775. n               knight
  776. n               midday
  777. n               name
  778. n               neper
  779. n               neuter
  780. n               new
  781. n               newton
  782. n               ninety
  783. n               ninety thousand
  784. n               nitrogen
  785. n               noon
  786. n               north(ern)
  787. n               note
  788. n               noun
  789. n               nu
  790. n               number
  791. n               point
  792. n               pole +
  793. n               quarter
  794. n               unfavourable aspect
  795. n               unknown number
  796. n               unlimited number
  797. na              North America
  798. na              no (Scot.)
  799. na              not (Scot.)
  800. na              sodium
  801. nae             no (Scot.)
  802. nae             not (Scot.)
  803. nag             horse
  804. nag             little horse
  805. nat             born
  806. nation          people
  807. nation          race
  808. national        horse race
  809. nb              nota bene
  810. nb              note
  811. nco             non-commissioned officer
  812. nco             sergeant
  813. nd              North Dakota
  814. nd              no date
  815. ne              Durham area
  816. ne              Humberside
  817. ne              Tyneside
  818. ne              born
  819. ne              bridge opponents
  820. ne              gas - neon
  821. ne              neon
  822. ne              north-east
  823. ne              not (old word)
  824. ne              quarter
  825. neat            cattle
  826. neat            ox
  827. ned             donkey
  828. ned             little horse
  829. nee             born
  830. nemo            submariner
  831. ness            head
  832. ness            loch
  833. ness            point
  834. net             capture
  835. net             fabric
  836. ney             Marshal
  837. ng              no good
  838. ni              Northern Ireland
  839. ni              Ulster
  840. ni              nickel
  841. nib             writer
  842. nick            prison
  843. nie             close (old word)
  844. nie             near (old word)
  845. nil             love
  846. nil             nothing
  847. nitre           chemical
  848. nitre           fertiliser
  849. nj              New Jersey
  850. nl              not clear
  851. nl              not far
  852. nl              not permitted
  853. nn              ens
  854. no              New Orleans
  855. no              indefinite number
  856. no              not out
  857. no              number
  858. no              play (Jap.)
  859. no              refusal
  860. noh             play (Jap.)
  861. noi             leading
  862. noi             no one
  863. noi             number one
  864. non             no (Fr.)
  865. nose            informer
  866. np              North Pole
  867. np              pole
  868. ns              bridge partners
  869. ns              ens
  870. ns              not specific
  871. ns              partnership
  872. nt              Holy Writ
  873. nt              New Testament
  874. nt              Northern Territories
  875. nt              book(s)
  876. nt              books
  877. nt              good book
  878. nt              part of Bible
  879. nt              preservationists
  880. nt              scriptures
  881. nu              Greek character
  882. nu              Greek letter
  883. nu              name unknown
  884. nu              unidentified
  885. num             miners
  886. number          anaesthetic
  887. nun             bluetit
  888. nurse           shark
  889. nus             dawn
  890. nus             students' (union)
  891. nut             teachers
  892. nv              envy
  893. nw              Merseyside
  894. nw              bridge opponents
  895. nw              north-west
  896. nw              quarter
  897. ny              Gotham
  898. ny              New York
  899. o               Ohio
  900. o               around
  901. o               aught
  902. o               bald patch
  903. o               ball
  904. o               blob
  905. o               blood group
  906. o               cavity
  907. o               cipher
  908. o               circle
  909. o               circuit
  910. o               circular letter
  911. o               dial
  912. o               disc
  913. o               duck
  914. o               egg
  915. o               eleven
  916. o               eleven thousand
  917. o               empty
  918. o               examination
  919. o               full moon
  920. o               gas - oxygen
  921. o               globe
  922. o               gulf
  923. o               hole
  924. o               hollow
  925. o               hoop
  926. o               loop
  927. o               love
  928. o               naught
  929. o               nil
  930. o               no
  931. o               nothing
  932. o               nought
  933. o               oh
  934. o               omicron
  935. o               opening
  936. o               orb
  937. o               ortho-
  938. o               ought
  939. o               owe
  940. o               oxygen
  941. o               pellet
  942. o               ring
  943. o               round
  944. o               spangle
  945. oaks            horse race
  946. oates           conspirator
  947. ob              old boy
  948. obe             award
  949. obe             honour
  950. obe             order
  951. obit            dead/died
  952. obit            final message
  953. obit            last word
  954. oc              commander
  955. oc              officer commanding
  956. odo             bishop
  957. oe              old English
  958. oe              old Etonian
  959. offa            old king
  960. og              ogee
  961. og              own goal
  962. og              soccer blunder
  963. oic             officer in charge
  964. ok              acceptable
  965. ok              all right
  966. ok              approval
  967. ok              authorisation
  968. ok              correct
  969. ok              fine
  970. ok              okay
  971. old man         captain
  972. ole             cry of delight
  973. om              award
  974. om              honour
  975. om              order
  976. omega           Greek letter
  977. omega           final letter
  978. omega           final word
  979. omega           last letter
  980. omitting        skipping
  981. on              about
  982. on              acting
  983. on              being broadcast
  984. on              leg
  985. on              on the menu
  986. on              operating
  987. on              performing
  988. on              playing
  989. one             lunchtime
  990. one             undivided
  991. oo              duck's eggs
  992. oo              ohs
  993. oo              owes
  994. oo              spectacles
  995. oom             Dutch uncle
  996. op              operation
  997. op              opposite
  998. op              opus
  999. op              out of print
  1000. op              work
  1001. optic           seer
  1002. opus            work
  1003. or              alternative
  1004. or              alternatively
  1005. or              before *
  1006. or              gold
  1007. or              yellow
  1008. oral            examination
  1009. oral            test
  1010. ord             no way
  1011. ord             ring road
  1012. orion           hunter
  1013. orpheus         classical musician
  1014. os              Ordinary Seaman
  1015. os              big
  1016. os              large letters
  1017. os              ohs
  1018. os              old style
  1019. os              outsize
  1020. os              owes
  1021. os              sailor
  1022. os              very large
  1023. ost             east (Ger.)
  1024. ot              Holy Writ
  1025. ot              Old Testament
  1026. ot              book(s)
  1027. ot              good book
  1028. ot              occupational therapy
  1029. ot              part of Bible
  1030. ot              scriptures
  1031. ou              Open University
  1032. oui             agreement - foreign (Fr.)
  1033. oui             yes (Fr.)
  1034. ouija           Franco-German agreement
  1035. ous             nothing to America
  1036. ouse            river
  1037. out             away
  1038. out             not at home
  1039. out             unfashionable
  1040. over            maiden
  1041. ox              bull
  1042. ox              neat
  1043. oxonian         dark blue
  1044. oy              oh, why
  1045. oz              ounce
  1046. oz              small weight
  1047. oz              weight
  1048. oz              wizard place
  1049. p               Celt
  1050. p               Kelt
  1051. p               Portugal
  1052. p               copper
  1053. p               four hundred
  1054. p               four hundred thousand
  1055. p               page
  1056. p               park(ing)
  1057. p               participle
  1058. p               pawn
  1059. p               pea
  1060. p               pedal
  1061. p               pee
  1062. p               peg
  1063. p               penny
  1064. p               phosphorous
  1065. p               pi
  1066. p               piano
  1067. p               pint
  1068. p               poise
  1069. p               power
  1070. p               president
  1071. p               prince
  1072. p               quiet
  1073. p               small change
  1074. p               soft
  1075. p               softly
  1076. p               vitamin
  1077. pa              Panama
  1078. pa              father
  1079. pa              old man
  1080. pan             god
  1081. par             standard
  1082. para            Brazilian
  1083. para            airborne soldier
  1084. parent          source
  1085. pas             dance
  1086. pas             step
  1087. pate            head
  1088. pawn            piece (chess)
  1089. pawnbroker      uncle
  1090. pb              lead
  1091. pc              copper
  1092. pc              policeman
  1093. pe              Peru
  1094. pe              gym
  1095. pe              physical education
  1096. pe              training
  1097. peg             tee
  1098. pen             author
  1099. pen             enclosure
  1100. pen             prison
  1101. pen             writer
  1102. per             by
  1103. per             for each
  1104. per             through
  1105. pet             cherished
  1106. pet             favourite
  1107. pg              paying guest
  1108. ph              local
  1109. phi             Greek letter
  1110. pi              Greek character
  1111. pi              Greek letter
  1112. pi              confusion *
  1113. pi              good
  1114. pi              religious
  1115. pi              upright
  1116. pier            mole
  1117. pit             Hell
  1118. pitt            old Prime Minister
  1119. pl              Poland
  1120. pla             mountain retreat
  1121. pla             port authority
  1122. plato           philosopher
  1123. plo             illegal army
  1124. plo             terrorists
  1125. plot            garden
  1126. pm              Prime Minister
  1127. pm              afternoon
  1128. pm              half day
  1129. pm              in the afternoon
  1130. po              Italian flower
  1131. po              Post Office
  1132. po              airman
  1133. po              palladium
  1134. po              pole
  1135. po              river
  1136. polo            Merchant of Venice
  1137. poly            college
  1138. pony            twenty five pounds
  1139. pony            twenty-five pounds
  1140. pop             father
  1141. pop             old man
  1142. port            left
  1143. port            wine
  1144. pp              pages
  1145. pp              peas
  1146. pp              pees